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Friday, August 31, 2012

Deer Tracking Tips

Wait! Wait! Wait! Unless you see the animal go down. Allow yourself time to absorb the adrenaline, collect your thoughts, recall your shot, and what happened, before, during and after. Take a moment to take in your surroundings, enjoy the moment, and bask in the glory of what Nature has to offer, breath in the smells, listen to the sounds, feel the breeze, use all of your senses. This will help you calm down from the excitement and help you proceed with a clear head.

Develop a plan based on what you recall from your shot.

Walk slowly to the site where the deer was standing, when you get close maybe 5 yards or so, STOP and take a really good look for hair or blood. DO NOT walk directely on the blood trail. If you see nothing move ahead a few paces and do it again. Once you have located the first sign, take note of the wind direction, and move slowly to the downwind side of the track if possible, this will keep your scent off of the wounded animals scent if conditions remain the same should you decide you need a tracking dog, this will decrease the chance of a contaminated trail.

•I can’t stress enough to move slowly, even if the sign is highly visible, take note of the size of the blood spots, the distance between each spot, the color of the blood (bright red, pinkish red, deep red(maroon, or any green or brown matter) This is also a time to take in the sights around you and enjoy the experience.

Mark your blood trail, I like to use toilet paper or tissue, as it is easy to see, highly biodegradable, and easy to keep in your pocket. You can also use hi-vis marking tape, but this is not as biodegradable and you should plan on removing it after you are done tracking, especially on public land, so we can preserve the great outdoors natural beauty.

Pay attention to any blood on shrubs, brush, or trees. Use your body to measure the height of the blood on the surrounding brush.

•If you have a hunting partner assisting you, one should move ahead to look for sign the other should remain at the last blood for easy locating. We recommend letting your hunting buddy search for sign, as they are likely to be a bit calmer than the hunter.

•“When in doubt, back out” If you lose the trail we recommend backing out, collecting your thoughts, analyzing and discuss the sign in which you saw, and consider your options. You can return with fresh eyes to continue looking, or you can call tracker.

• We typically track more deer in one season than most hunters track in a lifetime, we see all sorts of shots, all sorts of sign, and we analyze the details of tracks meticulously , it does not hurt to give us a call and get an opinion or advice.

•** Don’t give up until you recover the deer or you firmly believe the deer is not mortally wounded. As hunters we spend an entire year preparing for this moment, we can certainly put in the time to try to recover our quarry. Whether it be the trophy buck of a life time or a doe, we owe it to the animal to give every effort we can to recover it.

Good to all of you !!!

<meta name="title" content="Michigan deer tracking hounds" />
<meta name="description" content="Michigan deer & blood tracking dogs. We are able to track Bear,Elk,Deer. We offer 24/7 service." />
<meta name="keywords" content="Michigan blood tracking dogs,  Michigan deer tracking dogs, michigan blood tracking hounds, michigan deer tracking hounds, michigan blood track'n hounds, michigan deer track'n hounds, deer tracking dog, blood tracking hounds" />
<meta name="author" content="Rob Miller" />
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