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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Michigan deer tracking dogs

Michaela Willett was hunting during the 2012 Michigan youth hunt with her farther Scott in the Byron/Bancroft area. They watched this Giant 11 point make its way across a soybean field. Michaela waited patiently until the buck gave her a slightly quartering to shot. She shot him with a 20 gauge Benelli shotgun. The buck took a few bounds and turn to look back at where the shot came from. He stood their for a very long time says Michaela. I took another shot at him however I think I missed him. They waited until night time to start tracking. Scott soon realized this is not going to be a very easy blood trail to follow. They Literally only found a couple drops of blood. At that point they decided to back out and wait until morning. Next morning Scott spent a few hours searching for blood and with no luck he decided to call in Rob Miller and his Trackn hounds to help recovery his daughters first Deer. Scott realized the importance of not grid searching and contaminating the area making it at times to difficult for a tracking dog to do there job. Scout started searching in the field and located the impact site. We found a small patch of white hair indicating a low hit or possible only grazing this trophy buck. Scout continued across the bean field into the swamp and at that point we started to find more blood. We located 3 wound beds and a short distance later we found the buck in chest high swamp grass. The track was not a very difficult one as far as challenging the dog however it was very difficult to man trail this trophy. The trail was about 14 hours old and the buck traveled around 200 yards. The buck was hit in one lung,liver,guts. Congrats Michaela Willett on your first deer and a buck of a lifetime. Also she is my first recovery for a young women.
Michaela Willett and Scott Willett and Scout
Michaela Willett first buck

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