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Sunday, October 21, 2012

Deer tracking dogs

Dave Madrigal's Testimony

Here's the hunting story from 10/20/12... About 7:45am I made a series of grunts from my stand. About 8am I noticed a Nice Buck entering my area and looking for the buck grunts he heard. At 30yds the buck decided to head dead downwind of me and was going to give me a 35-40yd shot possibly (MY max distance)... Ay 38yds he stopped perfectly broadside and I released the Muzzy 4-blade tipped arrow right through the honeyhole... I watched my bright red Nocturnal nock zip through! He did a slight mule kick and wandered towards the swamp. As I waited 15mins to slip down to double check my arrow I got a text from my son "BBD"... He had arrowed a Nice on about the same time I did approximatly 3/4 of a mile away. When I got down to look at my blood filled arrow I was ultra confident that I had heart shot or lung shot the buck. I slipped out of the woods and met my son to gather our thoughts and prepare for the mid-day tracking etc... We headed home and got my rack for the truck and some other things needed for hauling deer. We found my sons buck around 11:30am (A nice 2.5yr old 10pt), we proceeded to take pictures etc and slightly celebrate. About 12:30 we went to the other side of the property to retrieve my Buck next. I showed my son my arrow and we both thought it was going to be a very short tracking job.... The first 80yds was like the deer painted a trail for us, but it was not solid going into the swamp... we slowly slipped into the swamp on the blood trail and about 120-150yds into the tracking we jumped the Buck (My heart sank). We waited for a few minutes and slowly started following the fresher blood trail to see where he was headed etc... Around 1:30 I called Rob and asked him if he might be able to come out and help me a bit later because the deer needed some more time to expire. After Rob and Sypris found a Buck in Lowell he headed back our way. At 4:15 we headed in the woods to start our journey.... Immediatly sypris was all over the original search that my son and I had done previously. She never skipped a beat and worked the exact path/blood trail that we did! Right at the point where we stopped tracking, sypris had no hesitation in finding the path of the Buck... we went approximatly 60 more yds and found a fresh bed with warm blood in it.... she continued on the track of the mortaly wounded deer.... After a 2.1 mile search we finally put down the 3.5yr old 8pt Buck, as Sypris stood paw to Hoof with the bruiser at Bay while I sent him to heaven. I would never immagine that it would happen that way after examining the deer. I made a excellent shot but only got 1 lung and exited a bit low. I am so thankful that Rob and Sypris helped me retrieve my deer because it certainly was not going to make it! Again, I'm absolutly amazed with the nose on this lil tracking machine and would reccomend the service to anyone if they need the help! I'm a fan for life Rob and Sypris....😃 Thanks again- Dave Madrigal>>---->

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