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Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Gaines Mi. Bill Domzalski

I was hunting on a Monday morning seeing a few deer out of bow range, when a buck was coming into shooting range.  Idrew my bow and released the arrow hitting the deer right behind the front shoulder.  Waiting for one hour I started to tack, little blood for 40 yards then lost the tail.  Feeling that I made a kill shot, my daughter looked up online to find someone could find the deer.  We came across Michigan deer track n hounds.  I talked to Rob Miler he suggested we wait till dark.  Rob showed up at 8 pm with Sypris. After talking with Rob about the shot and looking at the arrow, we headed into the woods where I had shot the deer. Sypris got on the track and found the deer 100 yards away, within 45 minutes. After looking at the deer, the shot entered behind the front shoulder, but exited out the guts making very little blood trail. Without having Sypris to track the deer, it would have spoiled and never been found. I am very thankful for both Rob and Sypris and would recommend them to all hunters.
Bill Domzalski

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